
Full text transcript of video review of Furious 7
This shadow doesn’t have subscribers. It has family. I just heard my voice.
Hi, Madeleine, I’m a black Neriman review for you, the review Furious seven, the seventh movie in the Fast and Furious franchise. Yes, Evan, get over it. This is the Harry Potter of car movies. I’ma tell you the good. I’m gonna tell you the bad. I’m going to get a nerdy plot, a furious 7 movie that started out as a normal movie about street racing turns into a superhero film. Seriously, DC, you need to catch up. You got to deal with The Avengers, you got to deal with Star Wars and you got to deal with the Fast and Furious business as ever. First, the good. That is how you do dude movies.
If you’re going to do it, at least make it a world of its own. The problem to have with those other movies is like we are serious world. We’re going to reference serious things that happened in the real world. But then we’re going to have giant robots and cars and every woman wants to have sex with everybody. But at least in these movies, it’s like we’re going to give you fast cars. When you need fast cars, we can give you insane fighting stunts when they need to happen. We’re going give you hot chicks at parties where you would see hot chicks. It’s not a caricature. It’s not a parody of it. It’s just heightened to an insane level. And that’s how it works. Any movie they could make me believe that Ludacris is a genius, is doing a really good job. All the car stunts in this thing are great. All the stuff that they teach you in the trailer are really teases. There’s even more to these stunts than they show in the trailer. The whole thing of the cars coming out of an airplane, flying cars. Oh, my gosh. And that shot, they show the trailer where the one car goes from one building to the next. That’s like half of what really happens with that.
And when the second half comes in, I laugh out loud part like I’m excited because this is awesome. And part like this is the most ridiculous thing in the world.
You want to see Jason and fight Vin Diesel. You got it. You want to see Jason the right the wrong guy. You want to see Michelle Rodriguez and Ronda Rousey get into a fight with each other. Oh, man. Do you get that? Who can I get in the middle? In the middle. Get me. It’s me. And speaking of hotness, they bring in this new woman, Ramsey Danny. And she’s a hacker in this movie. A hacker. If I would have had her back when I used to be a computer programmer, this would never happen. You would never see me on YouTube. I have been working right there every single day.
I mean, like, hey, baby, what’s up? You get C++ Kogure.
Hey, look, I’m going to be real, man. You look at those faces, man. Look at how diverse this cast is and the fact that they can open up a movie and it’s so popular like it is just that’s awesome. You remember Lucas Black Tokyo Drift. Well, this movie takes place after that, so we get to see him come back. I thought he was going to join the group, like being part of the team, but not he’s just a cameo and OK. He’s a little bit older now than he was when Tokyo was built. It’s funny because they showed footage from Tokyo Drift, but clearly age from one seat to the next, maybe even try to hide it. And after all of this craziness, after all the silliness, the movie does an incredible job of doing a proper sendoff to Paul Walker, the way they were able to close his story both in the movie and also paying homage to him, which is a really beautiful sendoff the way they did it. And they show flashbacks of them. And it was just really nice of them to do that.
They really wanted to be sure that in the movie they gave him a proper tribute. If this were the last movie, it’d be a great ending of the movie franchise. But judging from how much money this movie is going to make, Fast and Furious ain’t going away any time soon after for the bad.
Jason Statham is the brother from the villain last movie Who’s Seeking Revenge. Do you think that alone is enough movie? Having all of the crew trying to take down one man, especially the man is Jason Statham, and then all of a sudden Kurt Russell shows up and goes, Hey, guys, I got a completely separate plot for this movie and we’re going to just do this now, OK? It’s my team. Let’s do it. This whole second plot that could have probably been the eighth movie or something, I don’t know. Know if it’s Kurt Russell was great. Great to have you. And man to showing up took off as Guardians of Galaxy gears as, hey, I’m a villain here too. And I was thinking maybe they’re doing this because maybe you don’t have Jason Statham for every scene. But the thing was, every time you had the other villain, Jason Statham was also there. So I’m like, well, you’ve already got state them. You’re good. You don’t need all this other stuff. You leave your, like, quarter mile a time, live your movies one at a time. Teresa’s character has basically boiled down to man crazy man. This is crazy. Hey, I think I’m all that when everyone else doesn’t think I’m all that all this stuff that made me laugh in this movie, it was more unintentional. Laughter If it was some of the things they were doing in the movie than the actual jokes in this movie. Oh, and Iggy Azalea makes a cameo in this, I guess, because she had a song on the soundtrack she had to show up. It is so for us it’s like, hey, crowd of people, all of a sudden everyone stop. Iggy Azalea needs to stay in line. And no, she does not stay in Australia. She says it like she’s from the hood.
And now for the nerdy, forget the Avengers. Forget the Justice League. Furious seven is the best superhero movie of all time.
I mean, the law of physics. What these people do not apply, run across something, jump over a ledge, grab a car in mid air and don’t hurt a limb. Absolutely fine. And Fast and Furious World Punch Street.
These are urban superheroes. I love it. Just one thing. If you go see the movie, don’t be like me and get in your car and start driving a little bit faster. I was like a furious seven. Yeah. And then all of a sudden I saw a police car and I was in Beverly Hills. I was like, You better slow down, brother. Call it a guilty pleasure. I think it’s stupid or not. I don’t care. But if you’re like, I want to see some fast cars, I want to see some action, I want to see superhero film with the superheroes. Don’t wear superhero suits. And I. I just want to have a good time with an awesome, diverse cast of characters, you’re a seven man, I’m all for you. I want you to cross over with Transformers or Mad Max or or Mario Kart just up there. Will you see Furious seven. And if you do, let me know what you think of it. And the whole video about the Fast and Furious franchise, American movies, YouTube channel catching up with Andre. You can check that out as well.
I love you like family. I’m Audi 5000 Changeup.
Other reviewers' sentiment on Furious 7:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
IGN | Positive |
Chris Stuckmann | Meh |
The Flick Pick | Meh |
MovieNight | Meh |
Black Nerd Comedy | Meh |
MovieBob | Meh |
Jeremy Jahns | Meh |
Schmoedown | Meh |
Jake Baldino | Negative |
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