
Full text transcript of Fast and Furious 7 critique
Move over, Walter White, we found someone who uses the word family more than you do and is that guy seriously new drinking game? Got to take a drink every time Vin Diesel in this movie says the word family, you’ll be trash. Actually, baffling says it a lot.
Furious seven, so Furious 7 is the seventh Fast and Furious movie, this movie incorporates a lot of things that people liked about the franchise before, and it takes the franchise in the new direction the franchise is going it first. It shows this drag race. It’s the same kind of race as they did in the first movie is a throwback. But then Jason Statham hits the scene. He’s the brother of Dracula, I’m told from the last movie he wants revenge research coming after the crew, which is a cog in this movie.
But ultimately the government is like, hey, you got to help us get this device. They call it the Godzilla or it’s just gods. I know the it’s like the difference between Facebook and the Facebook. I don’t know one of them.
So they’re trying to go after that thing and then Statham’s coming out for them and they want to go after state of the state. That was kind of like the winter soldier, minus the fact that he was ever good ever. He shows up to cause problems while the bigger things in the movie are happening, while you’re suspending your disbelief to watch this movie, because you really have to from the beginning. So Jason Statham throws down at the Rock pretty near the beginning of this movie, The Rock straight up. Just uppercuts him and state them, gets up from that and keeps fighting right there.
I was like, I don’t think this movie is going to be realistic. I just don’t think so at all, which is pretty good.
So now you’re prepared for it because everything else happens in this movie is just dope. Doesn’t make sense. The good thing is this movie knows that. This movie knows it doesn’t make sense. It knows that people are there just to kick their feet up and have a good time. It’s not there to be the most realistic movie in a franchise that springboard it off. The premise of Point Break with Cars. I started to be a popcorn flick for you to have a good time. And it does that really well. Does it do it great? Not always. Every time something crazy happened in this movie, I step back and I was like, that’s not fucking possible. Well, simultaneously I step to the side.
And I was like, Yeah, that’s pretty fucking cool. I mean, holy shit. The one liners in this movie along with this movie is a complete 90s action movie.
That’s what it is, not just because of the action, but the dialogue. If this movie was in the 90s where it belongs, Arnold Schwarzenegger would be in this. I know that because this movie has all the Arnold one liners you could ever think of without Arnold Schwarzenegger actually saying, I will say this movie is the best video game movie ever made on the premise of the last act of this movie is straight up twisted metal. It’s that kind of anarchy, that kind of chaos. In the end, Guy is furious. Seven does exactly what it wanted to do. It entertains you. It gives you absurdity. It knows it’s crazy. It gives you all the one liners you could possibly want and a lot that you probably don’t. Everyone has a great time in the movie. The movie’s predictable as shit. In the end, I was glad this is the send off Paul Walker gets and not brick mansions. That would have been sad, but they came through and furious seven and it was actually a good time. In fact, it was a good time. No alcohol required.
Just don’t do that drinking game. I suggested in the beginning of this video because you’ll die.
You just straight up will die. All right, guys, so furious. Seven, have you seen it? What did you think about it? What is your favorite movie in the Fast and Furious franchise? Mine was Fast five. That was the one where I was like, oh, holy shit, we’re doing other things now. So whatever you think, comment below. Let me know. And as always, if you like what you see in here and you want to see more, click right here to see more.
Other reviewers' sentiment on Furious 7:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
IGN | Positive |
Chris Stuckmann | Meh |
The Flick Pick | Meh |
MovieNight | Meh |
Black Nerd Comedy | Meh |
MovieBob | Meh |
Jeremy Jahns | Meh |
Schmoedown | Meh |
Jake Baldino | Negative |
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