
Full text transcript of the film review of Furious 7
Furious 7, you know what’s more surprising than the fact that there’s seven of these, the fact that they actually got better up until fast five, I wasn’t a huge fan, but that film reinvigorated this franchise and I had a lot of fun with Fast Six as well. I thought they were both very well directed action movies. James Hogan, who is really well known for The Conjuring and the Insidious films and the first saw a movie is now taking over the directorial reins. And since I try to avoid spoilers because I care about your experience at the theater, I won’t explain the revenge plot that’s going on in this film, in case you have not seen the last one. But essentially a character is no longer around and we have the team we know and love, led by Vin Diesel going out for revenge against the guy responsible. I bought this Blu ray collection, even though I like about half of the movies, and largely because they come in Ataya, it’s a frickin tire of blue rays. Can you get more awesome than that? My point is I like having fun at the movies, so I was excited for Furious seven and I can report that it is a lot of fun. It’s a big, stupid, dumb time with cars flying out of airplanes and using parachutes, explosions and fistfights left and right, the rock flexing his muscles.
These are all great things. And there’s part of me that has to sit back. You know, as a person who likes to analyze film and realize some films just aren’t meant for that. Some films are just meant to be dumb and awesome. And the furious films are those movies. I was really satisfied with the car chase scenes in particular. James Wan did a really good job of getting some gritty and more intense camera angles. Justin Lin had a very sleek look to his movies and the long run. I think his films were better directed than this movie, in all honesty. Now, as you guys know, the production of this movie faced a major problem when Paul Walker tragically passed away. Everyone was really saddened by that, myself included. Everything I’ve ever heard about that man was that he was one of the sweetest guys in Hollywood. And it’s very sad. And I can’t really dock this movie for the fact that there are aspects of it that do feel very convoluted. There are parts where the plot seems like it’s happening in two different movies and those plots don’t always come together and mix well. And yes, it is unfortunately painfully obvious when CGI Paul Walker is around, you can just tell and it makes it a little awkward. And that is something that is unfortunate but is kind of unavoidable.
And I can’t in good conscience say too many negative things about that because, yes, there are absolutely parts of this movie where the plot feels very jumbled and very messy. Jason Statham as a villain is a fantastic idea, but I do feel that he’s very underutilized in this movie. He kind of just comes in whenever they need him to. He just sort of shows up. He comes out of an elevator and there he is. And then he disappears for a while. And there’s this whole plot about finding this piece of technology that can locate any person on the planet. It’s all over the place. And it’s really hard to know what kind of movie they were making before that tragedy occurred. But as I said, I do think that most fans are going to be satisfied by this movie. It is a fitting sendoff for Paul Walker’s character. I do think they handled that as best they could. But I do have two major issues with this movie, and they have nothing to do with the production or anything that went on with it. My first being that my favorite thing that happened in the Fast and Furious franchise ever was the Rock as hobs. He made five and six way better than they could have been.
He’s barely in this movie and that was a major disappointment for me. He’s got a cool scene, the beginning, and then he’s pretty much out of commission for the entire film. And that was really a big letdown for me because he added so much adrenaline and so much humor to this movie. And the Rock is such a likable presence as an actor that I wanted more of him. And it was disappointing to see that he was barely in the movie. And my other issue and my biggest one is unfortunately the thing I was worried the most about James WANs handling of the hand-to-hand combat scenes. Unfortunately, he chose to adopt the hyperactive high frame rate, quick cut editing style of today. Now, there isn’t Shaki campers say it’s just that there’s tons and tons of edits and the high frame rate of it and the close up nature of it make it difficult to tell what’s going on. Those are my two big disappointments. I’m not going to say negative things about the convoluted plot because I’m almost positive that they had such a hard time making this movie because of what happened. And I can’t in good conscience say something negative about that. Nevertheless, I think fans are going to have a really good time with Furious seven. I was a little disappointed. I did not like it as much as five and six.
But overall, it is a fitting sendoff for Walker’s character. There is a lot of action. It’s a little too long. But I am going to say that you should go out and see Furious seven if you just want to have a dumb diverting time at theaters where you don’t care about anything except shoving popcorn in your mouth and watching dudes drive fast cars and some pretty badass chicks, too, I’m going to get furious. Seven A B, the plots convoluted. It’s all over the place. But I have to give it to these filmmakers for sitting down and thinking up the best way to do this in a respectful way and dealing with that unfortunate tragedy in the best way they could have. And I got to give my hats off to those guys. Guys, if you did see this film, let me know what you thought of it below. And I did recently post my anime. You review for Kids on the Slope, directed by Shinjiro Watanabe of Cowboy Bebop fame, a lot of people have been requesting that and I delivered that review yesterday. So if you want to check it out, it’s on my channel right now. Guys, thank you so much, as always, for watching. And if you like this, you can click right here and get stuck mineralised.
Other reviewers' sentiment on Furious 7:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
IGN | Positive |
Chris Stuckmann | Meh |
The Flick Pick | Meh |
MovieNight | Meh |
Black Nerd Comedy | Meh |
MovieBob | Meh |
Jeremy Jahns | Meh |
Schmoedown | Meh |
Jake Baldino | Negative |
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