
Actor/ Character | Sentiment |
Ben Stiller | Positive |
Larry | Positive |
Robin Williams | Meh |
Amy Adams | Very positive |
Hank Azaria | Very positive |
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing. |
Ben Stiller returns as night watchman Larry Daily, now a successful business man, who gets back to the museum just in time to find that he needs to get his friends out of trouble. This new installment takes us to the Smithsonian, and introduces us to new characters, such as Amelia Earhart, General Custer, and many more! Source: IMDB.Full-text transcript of Night at the Museum 2 critical review
Bigger, better, funnier.
Yeah, that’s just about what describes this movie, and it’s easily my favorite sequel novel of all time, but it’s up there. Night of the museum, both the Smithsonian basically takes place, of course, two years after the first movie, and we basically see Larry now have his own company. He’s no longer a night guard at the museum. He’s actually has his show on TV where he uses and invents all these different kinds of things. Just as the movie starts, he invented Glow in the Dark Flashlight.
Really a glow in the dark flashlight that that’s the best you can come up with, kind of lame, but yeah, that’s not the point.
The point is him that being in that guard the museum anymore, basically being the only person who has a say in how everything will go apart in a weird way, forces people not to come to the museum anymore, something like that. And the museum kind is forced to get rid of some stuff to make way for a hologram projection of that last artifact that can interact with people or something like that. And the originals are going to be shipped off to the Smithsonian in D.C., however. So he gets a hold of this and has D.C. to not only get his friends back, but place them back in the museum where they belong, as well as meet some new characters along the way and get into some more trouble because they wouldn’t be in that museum without being in trouble. This movie is awesome, OK? I loved about the Smithsonian. OK, it is a good school and it is a better sequel, is a better movie and a franchise, which is kind of hard to say.
But it’s true. It’s really true. So many new characters in this movie, which is not a bad thing, is actually a good thing. It’s kind of like an X-Men movie. You get a lot of new characters and every different movie. Filling those characters shoes, however, is a hard task, but when you have decent know, when you have great actors and a movie. Yeah, you found your niche and Amy Adams, Amy Adams as Amelia Earhart. Oh, that’s great casting. That is great casting. OK, not only that, only is she a great actress, not only do I like those booty tight pants she was wearing.
But I’m glad she was Amelia Earhart and this movie and that the theatrical release version of Amelia Earhart story, because that was a real I mean, real let down to tell Amelia Earhart story in that fashion was as worse as telling Princess Diana’s story in that fashion as well to horrible riches stories of two great people in history.
What the fuck? But anyway, at least she shines in this movie. OK, unfortunately, we don’t get T. Rex as much as in this movie or Theodore Roosevelt, but we do have another type of Roosevelt in the museum in the form of a monument statue, kind of this only his head and body. And that’s about it.
No arms, no legs and nothing like that is kind of cool, but I’d rather have the full Robin Williams in full view, you know what I mean?
And of course, all of his friends are kind of sidelined now in order to make way for a new set of characters, including the new bad guy. This movie played by Hank Azaria, who is awesome, Hank Azaria steals the show on this movie. He is great, OK, especially when it comes to him and Ben Stiller talking about trying to get the artifact back, which the monkey took with him to DC, because without they were going to be moved without the artifact, which means if they go back to sleep, they will never wake up. So the monkey takes it to DC and they all come to life. Everything comes to life. And this movie is awesome. I like that. I even like the fact that the pictures come to life on the walls, that that’s magnificent. And the fact that they get momentarily stuck in one is awesome. That that was well shot. That was well done. And the budget is bigger on this movie. I got one hundred and fifty million dollars. Now I see why that budget was so huge. So I did see this in the movie theaters as well, but I kind of forgot about it after a while Thracian because I only seen it one time since the last time I saw it was in theaters. So yeah, even though I had the movie on Blu ray for about two years.
But yeah, but yeah, I love that look that yeah.
That little interaction him and Ben Stiller has. I remember seeing that and at the end everybody was laughing because I was like, oh my God, I told you not to look inside the museum.
This is a fun movie. The kids are going to fucking love it. Not to quote back to the future. Well, you might as well go back to Fredricka, that was a bit that was a good quote. The kids are going to love it anyways. I’m going to get back to the Smithsonian, a minus. Let know what you guys think about the Smithsonian down below. Did you like it? Did you hate it?
Or just one month away from the release of the third movie.
And I’m really dreading that movie, not because it’s going on, not because I think it’s going to be sad. I mean, stupid, but it’s going to be sad because it’s the last movie that this franchise so far is going to have. Robin Williams and.
Yeah, I’m not looking forward to that, because once that movie’s over, it’s over for Robin Williams.
It’s a bummer, but yes, I am at.
Other reviewers’ sentiment on this movie:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
Tyler Dunbar | Positive |
MovieNight | Very positive |
Spill Audio | Meh |
Daily Mirror | Meh |
Chicago Tribune | Positive |
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