
Sentiment on individual actors/characters mentioned in the Hobbit Unexpected Journey critique:
Actor/ Character | Sentiment |
Bilbo Baggins | Meh |
Martin Freeman | Very good |
Gandolf | Meh |
Peter Jackson | Meh |
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing. |
Bilbo Baggins is swept into a quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior, Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild; through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins and Orcs, deadly Wargs and Giant Spiders, Shapeshifters and Sorcerers. Source: IMDB.Full text transcript of the Hobbit Unexpected Journey critique
If you remember just a couple of weeks ago, we previewed our expectations for The Hobbit, an unexpected journey, and I was definitely excited. I think most of us were excited at the time, although we were worried about the tech end of it. It’s been out now. I’ve seen it twice. I know you guys have seen. What do you think? I can’t believe you sat through it twice. It’s so boring.
What how to do it. So do you see 30 or six? I saw I’m 30. I’m going to admit something that I snuck into the 60 later to watch it. I can’t believe you watched another version of it.
So boring.
But what did you think about this? I thought that anything that those grand moving shots of them on the mountaintop look fantastic. But then anything where people were talking to each other here, it was weird, looked totally weird and sped up. And I think that’s kind of a really important part of movies, the people talking and doing well.
Here’s the thing. Roger Ebert, Michael movie. Roger Ebert is like stop investing and making movies. 3-D when you need to do is start increasing the frame rate that will increase the watch. A movie so much doubling it would be great. This is weird. It is weird. It definitely felt like they were speeding it up at times. And even the big shots when they were, you know what, it’s forty eight or whatever. Yeah. So when they go so when they go down, when they slide down things in Goblin Town I was like whoa someone in the projector messing up. And for me that’s when Transformers was like and I saw that and regular like twenty four.
Did you watch it. And you saw it in twenty four. Both times I saw it twice. I was not bored.
Even the second dude I was bored and I was so mad that one hell of an epic fail. Here’s the thing.
No, you know, I’m, I’m a big fan of the book. Right. And I couldn’t wait to see it. And believe me, just seeing how beautiful it was was worth it to me because I thought it was so picturesque and beautiful. However, I find I found myself, which I mean, I watched it from the comfort of my own home. So maybe that’s why.
But I found my screener’s place. So I found myself like checking my phone in, like and not being drunk. What you see.
Hey, hey, back off. Rick and I was really just a Russell brand, a busy I was like I was so disappointed.
I was bored. Allow me, if I could, to recreate the first 30 minutes of the movie.
Wash. Wash. Wall Street was pretty good where you wash your hands of dwarves, washing dishes and having dinner.
Why do I need to see that on screen all the time? You to scream so that they can earn an extra billion dollars without removing the dinner scene?
You’re right. That’s the dish wash that when they were washing the dishes. It’s pretty cool that I love that part book, which I thought was walking through it.
And so this is Peter Jackson, like trying to make it a very epic eeling movie and other directors who have this need to kind of incorporate classic theatrical things that happened in old epic movies and plays. So like the the musical element of it, there’s like in Shakespeare, there’s all these weird moments that when you’re reading it in class, you’re doing this is a weird part where they sing, but they have like he puts in these weird reading moments.
What I really love, though, was the addition of Raggedy Ash. Yeah. Oh, my God. I loved him. And I know I know. Rheticus, Radagast, Radagast. I don’t even know, you know, I’m surprised I remember the name because like I said, I was really bored at that point.
I thought he was so cute. I mean, he’s different from what we’re familiar with. And it wasn’t in The Hobbit. When did we read about him? Because I don’t remember being in The Hobbit.
I think he’s mentioned tangentially in Lord of the Rings.
It all seems fine.
But I remember him being, you know, this nature loving wizard, but I don’t remember him having a sled with with rabbits, did he?
That’s you got to read through the line. I think Peter Jackson. I think Peter Jackson out of that to get the Lupa thing. No, I really think he added that.
But I don’t I don’t remember that. All right. Well, he took stuff from the Silmarillion and edited it in which if anybody’s rather Silmarillion, which I have, it’s really boring to go on.
So I totally agree with you. The singing seems out of place. And if you remember when we were talking about the preview, I was worried that that might be my butterman here, but I didn’t really mind it in that. And I just want to say, in terms of it being boring, like I went like I said twice, like I like epic fantasy movies. I don’t like them for the same reasons. I love action movies or romantic comedies or anything like that. But when I watch an epic fantasy movie, I want to see epic action scenes. I want to see people sacrifice themselves for their friends and for the greater good. I want them to give inspiring speeches to each other. And I want to see epic vistas of New Zealand basically, and it’s supplied all of that. And that’s what I went to see. Now, I don’t go to see 500 days of summer for the same reason, but I went there expecting that and that’s what it provides.
There were some really cool parts, like I love seeing that the mountain turned into those giants I have over.
I thought that that was the one I loved today.
I definitely was watching in there like it was as though Peter Jackson, like we’ve gone five minutes without, say, some mountains fighting on a mountain. Oh, there in the mountains. It have the mountain fight each other, fighting each other. I love it.
I was wondering. But did you feel like the mountains are fighting too slowly?
Well, the mountain looks right now like I’m I wonder if I’m a mountain and I look up at a human walk by. I’m like, what, what, how do we get by. We so fast that person. I don’t think they notice.
And what about the trolls? Were they or those trolls that are in the fire? They were cool. Yeah, they remind me of that, actually, in the Lord of the Rings, I think they reminded me of the babies from those weird babies.
Like with the nose and the rabbit get their share. Something’s come on, garbage pail kids, anything that’s like them. No, nothing like nothing but trouble.
Nothing but trouble. I swear to God, the two weird babies are nothing but trouble.
Yeah, I thought it was neat that in the troll scene we got to see a guy who I was referring to the housing, which Gandalf’s main power is apparently splitting rocks. Right, because in the fellowship of the ring he splits the bridge with the Stone Bridge to save him from the demon and the rocks. And the thing it drives me crazy about all the time is like, OK, he like scares all the goblins at first. Right. It’s like also it’s going to save everybody.
Right. I’m not going to help you anymore. Let’s run out. That’s one out and use our swords.
You know pretty well though. Yeah. But it got magic. We was split some really related to that. We got a similar situation.
What do you think of the Goblin King though. Awesome. Know, it’s pretty awesome guy. Here’s another thing. Martin Freeman, do it again.
The guy the guy who plays Bilbo Baggins, no doubt he was good. So here’s the thing. And then I watch that. And then I watched Lord of the Rings and I realized that watching the Lord of the Rings movies, I just kind of took for granted that The Hobbit had to be total pussies and had to be crappy actors and very like doe eyed little morons. And Freeman shows up and he’s like an actual actor and he delivers lines in a way that’s convincing and convinces you that this is a character with feelings as opposed to Frodo. And everything’s like like you would need somebody to go make a master cut of Frodo just emoting silently in slow motion. You’ll be and I’ll be Frodo. That’s that.
Wait a second. That’s your Kristen Stewart person is like Kristen Stewart in person. They. Oh, of.
Other reviewers’ sentiment on this movie:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
Jeremy Jahns | Positive |
Spill Archive | Positive |
What The Flick | Meh |
Chris Stuckmann | Meh |
1Switchfoot | Meh |
Think Tank | Meh |
The Flick Pick | Negative |
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