Home » Movie review of Night at the Museum 3- by JustSeenItReviews

Movie review of Night at the Museum 3- by JustSeenItReviews

by Flikrate Editorial
mediocre movie review sentiment

Sentiment on individual actors/characters mentioned in the movie review of Night at the Museum 3:

Actor/ CharacterSentiment
Robin WilliamsPositive
Rebel WilsonPositive
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing.


Full text transcript of movie review of Night at the Museum 3 

Offering underground and esoteric cinema.

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I know how to handle this guy. Thanks.

Hi there. How are you, huh? I’ll play fetch, I’ll go fetch.

Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb is a action packed family film full of sword fighting and dinosaurs and knight in shining armor. Unfortunately, though, this film feels very commercial. The story lacks the care and crafting of a classic. Of course, this is the third movie in a million dollar franchise, so I’m not sure that’s what the producers were going for anyways. While the story lacks heart, the performances certainly do not. Ricky Gervais is Owen Wilson. Rebel Wilson and even Dan Stevens all have lovely comedic moments. They’re fully committed to their roles. And then, of course, there’s Robin Williams, who is sweet and perpetually lovable.

I couldn’t sit idly by. Our very survival is at stake. All right. Hey, Teddy. Good, good man. Having a crisis.

Tella, OK, a little muscle.

That is a deceptively large box, not an awesome movie, not an awful movie. Night at the Museum makes good rainy day fare for kids trapped at home screaming.


Other reviewers’ sentiment on this movie:

The Six MachinePositive
Boston HeraldMeh
Double ToastedPositive
Gor the Movie GodNegative
Randy LittleMeh

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