
Sentiment on individual actors/characters mentioned in the Glass film review:
Actor/ Character | Sentiment |
Bruce Willis | Very negative |
David Dunn | Meh |
James McAvoy | Very negative |
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing. |
After pursuing Kevin Wendell Crumb and the multiple identities that reside within, David Dunn finds himself locked in a mental hospital alongside his archenemy, Elijah Price. The trio must now contend with a psychiatrist, who is out to prove they do not actually possess superhuman abilities. Source: IMDBFull text transcript of the Glass film review
Or is it the weekend is wrapping up, maybe you’ve seen glass, hopefully you’ve seen glass. If you have it, this is my glass spoiler video. There are spoilers in here, so don’t watch it. If you haven’t seen glass or you care to see glass.
It’s time to shatter those expectations in the reviews out there. How many split and break shatter glass references and puns that you have to put up with a lot, right? I mean, I, I imagine more than a few reviews did it. That’s what we’re here for. We came on YouTube to one day do dad jokes and a final and very important warning.
This video is filled with my personal opinion and total biases. If you’re expecting anything else, will allow me to shatter your expectations, possibly at the expense of your enjoyment. So here we go. And we’ll start out on a positive note, the way this movie starts out, as David Dunn is looking for the beast, he’s looking for Kevin because Kevin has some hostages and so he’s looking for him. And that’s really. Yeah, yeah. That’s exactly what this movie would be. At the end of split, I was like, oh, sweet, he’s going after him. And he did. And it was great. It was amazing. Then they’ll get captured. They’re in this facility where Sarah Paulson is like, this is all in your head. You’re not heroes. What is there in this facility? And I feel like a lot of people have said this is when the movie’s boring. It’s still good stuff in the movie act one act two best parts of the movie.
I like the facility. I like the slow crawl. I even like when you start seeing Mr. Glassco. All right. And figuring this out. And I’m going to start exacting my plan. Not only does he pull one over on everybody but themselves were so comic book, the rooms they’re all staying in have that thing that’s essentially their weakness and is keeping them at bay. Nothing is more comic book than not logical. No, but for what this movie is, I thought that was neat. There’s this scene where this guy is just flipping the switch, trying to have different personalities come out of Kevin and that scene. Oh, my God. James McAvoy man robbed for the Oscar for split or at least Oscar nomination. Come on. He had to have been part of the conversation.
And David Dunn’s room has the sprinklers, which I feel like that. Is that a retcon? I feel like that’s a retcon.
The fact that just touching water makes him weak the way I understood it and I feel like I just understood it incorrectly the way I understood it in Unbreakable when Elijah Price’s that comic book about superheroes who have weaknesses and he’s like, oh, crud is waters like his. He even says, you’re like me. If you drink too fast, you choke, you inhale water, you drown.
Water’s like your kryptonite is just kind of saying that you still need to breathe like water can still drown you. This is a normal thing to think about. But Elijah Price, he he’s insane and he sees the world like comic books. I remember he’s the only sane one because he sees the world like comic books. Yes. That’s how he saw David Dunn in water in Unbreakable when he fell into the pool in the tarp wrapped around him. I just saw as the TARP was wrapping around him, he couldn’t get out. He’s going to drown. He was probably scared out of his mind. Sure. But this movie Glass takes it one step further. And now when he gets wet, he’s just weak. I didn’t see it that way and unbreakable. I’ve actually had conversations with people who saw it that way. And I’m breakables like, no, no, no. I’m just saying he drowns. It doesn’t make them weak or anything. So either M. Night Shyamalan retcon how water was unbreakable and made it different in glass.
All right. A couple of people I had that conversation with about water and unbreakable an apology.
However, I will say this movie does touch on mental, makes physical like it doesn’t quite hit at home. It does touch on the concept of the brain’s power over the body. If you believe something, if your mind makes it real, then physically manifests in you. They’ve already touched on that and split that one doctor was like when people when their brain chemistry changes, their body can do things in other personalities. They couldn’t.
Otherwise, the way it was presented, I was like, I can buy that shirt and that fringe way. Same with Unbreakable. But the leap I had to take an unbreakable. The fact that he touches people and then he can kind of just see flashes of the things they’ve done wrong. I was like, all right, that’s the mystical element there. But when Sarah Paulson is talking to them, she’s like, no, what you do is you’re good at deductive reasoning. You’re essentially the mentalist. You size people up and you know where they come from, what they’ve done immediately. You’re like next level, Sherlock. I really like that because I was like, that explains in a viable way that you do have to take half a leap, but still grounded in the realm of reality, maybe an exaggerated one. It explains that ability he has. I really like that until at the end she was like, I was just bullshitting you. It’s not real. It’s fucking with you. Did you think you were normal? It was like, oh, does that undo that conversation? Because I feel like that was a really good description. Like that was a really good basis as to how he could do that. So in that I can say this with the water. Thing is, he had trauma when he was a kid. Now he’s deathly afraid of water.
He believes water is his kryptonite and that it would hurt him. Ergo, wouldn’t he get splashed with water? He freaks out and he becomes weak, kind of like James McGill’s brother. And better call Saul. Not like electricity is actually killing the guy from all fronts. If you have your cell phone around him is going to melt his brain. But he believes that. So his body physically reacts to that. I feel like that’s what the whole water thing is playing off of. So I’m thinking about it more. I can buy that. And that’s a really fascinating thing. It’s a fascinating phenomenon. Study of the brains power over the body. But this movie never really hits it home. So just kind of disappoints me. But I do have questions about that wasn’t always like that. Can he drink water? Can he take showers? How bad does he smell the end of this movie? I feel like this is what happens every time Shyamalan wants to go back. I mean, unbreakable and split the motivations in there. There’s just very small personal movies. Elijah Price wants to find his opposite to find validation in his own life, which finding validation is definitely his motivation in here. But it’s all about execution. It was less interesting, though, at the end of Unbreakable, he professes. He sees David Dunn as a friend, even in glass.
He says he’s always seen David Dunn as his friend. So while his motivation to prove that heroes exist is in character for him, for him finding his validation in the world, which is essentially what people want in the world, I also feel like some. The more personal between him and David Dunn also would have been within character and I would have found that more interesting because I’m more invested in them and their dynamic as it stands. David Dunn in here is a tool, a means to an end. Same with the beast. But I would expect that with him in The Beast, he doesn’t have that history. David Dun’s, the one who first validated Elijah Price’s presence, at least in the eyes of Elijah. Also, Elijah Price is the one who turned David Dunn’s world upside down, but also gave David Dunn purpose. Are you taking a shot every time I say David Dunn, because you’d be dead now. But it’s true. But I wanted to see a more personal story between those two. I didn’t really get that here. Feel like Bruce Willis was pushed to the side like he’s charging by the frame or something. I just love this movie. Disappointed expectations are no. And yes, that definitely does have to do with my own expectations. Call me a traditionalist. I just think more interaction between David Dunn and the mass murdering terrorist who uprooted his life but also gave more meaning to his life, would have had more payoff after a 19 year away.
This would be also why is she in this movie? There’s no reason for it. She’s in this movie so she can touch the beast, bring Kevin out so Kevin can get shot and killed because the beast, I guess, can survive bullets. She shot him and split. He survived those. She shot him in the face. He probably wouldn’t have walked away from it. But as it stands, she didn’t shoot him in this movie. Some other guy did. From the court of Clover’s point I’m making is you get a military sniper with some high velocity shit, shoot the beast in the head or the heart. He’s not walking away from that. It doesn’t matter who is or isn’t touching him, he’s dead. So you don’t need her. And I just didn’t need the court of Clover’s to exist. I didn’t need some super secret shadow organization that’s been pulling the strings from the beginning. It’s just lazy to put something like that in a movie like this. It feels cheap. It creates loopholes like why weren’t they on David Dunn the moment they heard the news cast that Elijah Price heard, the moment there was a train crash that was on the news and they heard there was a train crash and miraculously there was one survivor.
Why weren’t they at his door? Just looking back, the shadow organizations, you have to write them well, otherwise they minimize the effect of what came before. But I guess we need them because now we need an answer as to why there aren’t more heroes out there. Why is there just the beast and the overseer? I believe they call them the overseer or the tip man. Now we have our answer. This organization convinces them they’re full of shit or they zap their brains with a laser. And now we know in case you’re asking, but I was never asking because Elijah Price answered that an unbreakable someone who doesn’t get sick doesn’t get hurt, but the rest of us and he probably doesn’t even know it. So that’s why they probably don’t even know they have these abilities. That is the brilliance of unbreakable is unbreakable. It caused us to look at ourselves. It’s like, what abilities do I have, no matter how seemingly small, what do I have that might be a little more extraordinary than most other people using boats like I’m not a superhero, but are you fucking are the flash is an allegory for you, man. So it’s like that like what’s the difference between an Olympian and a hero?
But hey, this is the concluding chapter of a trilogy. So we’re going to go up.
Elijah Price is going to show people that superheroes exist or at least two really strong dudes and a guy with osteogenesis imperfecta who’s smart. And what we got was an end game that was essentially the season four finale of Heroes. Someone didn’t want Claire to show the world heroes exist, and she did. Now the words out there locked away like I’ve seen that before. I do enjoy the concept that with Mr. Glass streaming the fight now the world has that and now it might change and alter their perception and perspective to see heroes where they wouldn’t have seen heroes before and shoot. They might see heroes where there are no heroes. It might just change society’s perception on everything that’s profound. In reality, it probably won’t go that way. It’ll be a viral video that’ll catch on. Then people will move on to other shit. I mean, there are videos on YouTube of like people walking through shit and ghosts are real. Google or YouTube, top ten most unexplained phenomena caught on video. Those aren’t newsworthy. It’s not like mainstream news outlets are running with that reality. It’s probably viral for about a week and the world will forget or will be passed off as a hoax with actors or something. Sorry, Elijah, you died for nothing.
And in the end, nothing changes. The fact or nothing will change the fact, no matter how many times I would choose to watch it, to delve deeper into the fabric of meaning contained in the frames. Nothing would change the fact that David Dunn still drowned and died in a fucking mud puddle because I’m supposed to see it as some form of high.
Hi, suck my fucking dick. David Dunn went out like such a bitch.
I hate it because you imagine a Superman movie where Lex Luthor gets like generals ordered Doomsday. In fact, Batman versus Superman. Imagine Batman versus Superman, where Lex Luthor gets the Bruiser brawler to fight Superman. That would be doomsday. In this case, Superman is not going to die. But in the end, some nameless, faceless asshole comes over from the court of Clover’s with a tattoo and just holds Superman’s head and a little mud puddle until he drowns to death. You’re telling me you wouldn’t scream fuck you to the screen? I would. You can really take anything. If someone held Jack Bauer’s head in a mud puddle, that would suck to Walter White, drown him in a mud puddle. That’d be stupid. Take your protagonist if they just drowned in a mud puddle by Jack off Joe Blow.
Nobody that was first introduced in the frame in the scene. The shot that drowned the person that would be dumb and it was dumb here. Granted, on one hand I recognize that showing how easily someone who’s that strong could go out could be a profound moment.
But the payoff with that moment forged in the story arc at hand, it’s how you treat the character here, where he came from, his legacy, his arc. I just didn’t feel the payoff here. I feel like this was Shamala. I’m trying to have his Coen brothers moment. I just don’t feel like. Those are my thoughts. Agree or disagree? That’s how I feel. It really was the end. I would have been fine with the movie if he just stuck the landing of the end. I just feel like bringing in a super secret organization was lazy. The fact that you got the message out doesn’t mean anything to me. If this came out in the early 2000s, that would be profound as it stands now that it’s not no one’s going to care. I don’t need something grand. Like I said, just personal. I don’t need something big like they did the big ending. Essentially, they might just change the world of people on the Internet. Don’t forget about it in a week. But that’s less fulfilling than a movie that really revolved more around David Dunn and Mr. Glass.
Undeniably, just with human beings. People, if an ending falls flat, feels awkward or unfulfilling, it just leaves you there feeling like.
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