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Unbreakable film series review- sentiment on actors & characters

by Flikrate Editorial
Unbreakable film series review


Bruce Willis:

Reviewers’ sentiment on actor, Bruce Willis, across all movies in the Unbreakable series:

Split (2016)Cody LeachMeh
Glass (2019) Angry JoeMeh
Glass (2019) Double ToastedMeh
Glass (2019) Beyond the TrailerVery negative
Glass (2019) Jeremy JahnsVery negative
Unbreakable (2000)Chris StuckmannVery positive
Unbreakable (2000)James VS CinemaPositive
Unbreakable (2000)Cody LeachMeh
Unbreakable (2000)Double ToastedMeh


David Dunn:

Reviewers’ sentiment on the character, David Dunn, across all movies in the Unbreakable series:

Split (2016)Cody LeachMeh
Glass (2019) Angry JoeMeh
Glass (2019) Chris StuckmannMeh
Glass (2019) Double ToastedMeh
Glass (2019) Jeremy JahnsMeh
Glass (2019) Beyond the TrailerNegative
Unbreakable (2000)Chris StuckmannPositive
Unbreakable (2000)Cody LeachMeh


Samuel L. Jackson:

Reviewers’ sentiment on actor, Samuel L. Jackson, across all movies in the Unbreakable series:

Glass (2019) Angry JoePositive
Glass (2019) Beyond the TrailerPositive
Glass (2019) Double ToastedMeh
Glass (2019) Chris StuckmannVery negative
Unbreakable (2000)Double ToastedVery positive
Unbreakable (2000)James VS CinemaVery positive
Unbreakable (2000)Chris StuckmannPositive
Unbreakable (2000)Cody LeachPositive


M. Night Shyamalan:

Reviewers’ sentiment on director, M. Night Shyamalan, across all movies in the Unbreakable series:

Split (2016)Chris StuckmannPositive
Split (2016)What The FlickPositive
Split (2016)MovieBitchesMeh
Split (2016)Double ToastedMeh
Split (2016)Cody LeachNegative
Glass (2019) Angry JoeMeh
Glass (2019) Double ToastedMeh
Glass (2019) Beyond the TrailerNegative
Glass (2019) Chris StuckmannNegative
Unbreakable (2000)Double ToastedVery positive
Unbreakable (2000)James VS CinemaVery positive
Unbreakable (2000)Cody LeachPositive

Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing.

Unbreakable film series- a review by Sean Chandler:

This weekend blast, the third film at M. Night’s Unbreakable trilogy, has hit theaters, that means today I’m going to stop and make all three movies from the worst to the best. If you’re new here, my name is Sean Chandler, and I started this channel essentially because I was driving everyone around me crazy talking about movies way too much. If you can relate, you’re probably in the right place to consider clicking that subscribe button. With that in mind, go and join me down in the comments section. Share your ranking of these movies. And this should be very interesting because the response to glass was quite split and it was definitely not unbreakable with the critics. Sorry, I’ll stop doing that. But this is a movie that some people are loving it and some people are hating it in the end is definitely sending people in all kinds of different directions. So I love to have a nice, lively discussion about this set of movies with all of you before I give you my thoughts on it. For a different perspective on things, here’s the Rotten Tomatoes. Scores based on their scores in last place is glass with thirty five percent in second place is unbreakable with only sixty nine percent in. In first place is split with seventy six percent. That’s actually a little bit surprising to me because so many people love Unbreakable. Now we kind of forget that it wasn’t all that well received when it originally came out.

With all of that said, let’s get started with my list in last place is split. Split is a good enough thriller, anchored by a fantastic performance and a great final reveal.

Kevin Wendell Crumb is one of these characters designed to let a great actor just tee off in show off his skill. McEvoy’s able to make Hedwig funny. Dennis is appropriately creepy and gets under your skin. Patricia is unsettling in her kindness. Yes. To her sick beliefs and is able to pull off the physicality of the beast, the movies worth watching just to see MacAvoy in action. The character’s written with just enough competence to be an interesting character without her feeling unbelievably prepared for the situation that she’s in. As for the plot itself, it’s fine. There’s some nice thrills at parts. It’s appropriately creepy, but I didn’t really care for the old lady. And the two girls with Casey felt a lot like just stock horror thriller movie girls. But the final reveal here is one of the biggest shocks I’ve ever had sitting in a movie theater. I still can’t believe that the studio allowed them to keep that a secret. Overall, it’s a good film that’s overshadowed by a great performance.

In that final twist, our runner up is Glass. This is a very interesting film in that it’s essentially the sequel to two very different films.

It has three different lead characters in honestly. It makes it a film that’s very difficult to process because there’s so many different angles to re-evaluate after the end of the film. But this is also a movie that it’s just great to see all of these characters again in interacting with each other. McAvoy gives an even more impressive performance as he does more personalities and you get to see him switch between personalities on screen in frame. David Dunn gets to be the hero and we get to see him live up to his potential. And Mr. Glass gets to be the mastermind in this film and not just the mentor friend that he was in Unbreakable. There’s also some great ideas being explored throughout the film that make you question what you believed in, what you saw in the previous films. There’s a lot of neat misdirection in the way he tells the story. Unfortunately, the movie doesn’t stick the landing. The movie promises a third act showdown that I don’t think the budget allowed him to fully pull off. Also, there’s a major plot point that I could not believe how lazy the writing was for this moment that was so important. It felt like a first draft idea that never got replaced with the proper version. But I appreciate that M9 didn’t try and give us a safe and obvious conclusion to the trilogy. Instead, he tried to give us a victory that we weren’t expecting and the results were a little bit mixed. Well, I do wish the third act was handled a lot better.

I still think this is a very good movie, but in first place is Unbreakable Shyamalan take on the superhero genre is more interested in the characters than the action.

He wants to explore ideas about identity rather than just show spectacle because of this. For me, this is one of the most emotionally resonant superhero films. In the impressive part here is that he made this movie before superhero movies dominated the box office the way they do now. The score manages to be both melancholy and moving at the same time in this perfectly matches Dunn’s journey throughout the film. The performances all around are very powerful. And this is a movie that reminds you just how good Willis and Jackson actually are when they commit to a role and just don’t lean into their usual onscreen personas. I’ve always been drawn to stories about people discovering their true identity in drama. Drawing out their full potential and as this movie shows characters in their broken state discovering who they are, it builds up a scenario that for me makes for a very satisfying conclusion. As you have the moments of victory as well as the big twists and reveals, all of it just works for me on an emotional level. I absolutely love the final scene in this movie. I know some people find it to be anticlimactic, but it’s the opposite of that for me. It plays against our expectations and it causes us to re-evaluate everything that we just saw. And for me, that makes for a much more satisfying conclusion that touches on far more emotions than just showing us exactly what we want to see. I read this week that this movie received a C cinema score when it was first released, which is a really bad cinema score, which is very surprising to me. This is a movie that I loved it when I first saw it in the theater opening weekend 19 years ago. I still loved it when I watched it last weekend. So this movie comes in at number one. If you enjoyed this ranking, consider clicking that subscribe button right below this box I’m inside of to receive more rankings just like this one. Thank you so much for watching and keep talking movies too much in twenty nineteen. Source: Youtube.

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