Full text transcript of Deadpool 2 film critique
One man says just came back from DP to dead.
That is all right.
So as young as I see this went into this movie and I expected a whole lot of jokes, which is definitely what we get a whole lot of good for humor, a whole lot of breaking the fourth wall, just so you know. All right. This goes away. Deadpool movie.
Well, at least the last one.
You know, you get a lot of what you expect in the and more of what you got in the last movie. However, I got to say.
You know.
It lost me a couple of times, not like I was confused, but I was actually bought a couple of times, actually surprised. Things don’t go like you think you’re going to go for exports, just so you know.
So I don’t want to go in there. That might give some shit away.
So just like, you know, something tragic happens that kind of sets this sets Deadpool on his path in this movie was kind of surprising.
Expected to happen. I was like, oh, OK.
All right. I love Domino. I loved Peter for what he was.
I’ll do that for guys with the glasses, they say look like a Harry, like a testicle with teeth or whatever, he’s in there making some of the jokes.
One thing, Josh Brolin as cable, I did not really like this character the way they did for some reason, I felt like they made him campy.
Something wasn’t right with the cable character. And it’s kind of fine because there’s a joke that’s made to something that I was thinking. And I was just like it is like to me, he’s just not this, you know, you’ll hear it in the movie.
So there are a couple of I think just like two in credit scenes, I think the way they do it is it is really one.
It’s really one. I think it’s maybe really just one in criticising the way they do it. And I mean, kind of hard to to.
Yeah. I think there’s really one. OK, and I’ll help you out. You don’t have to say until the end. OK, I help you out. You do not have to stay until after the credits. All right.
I enjoyed this movie a lot. I laughed a lot. But like I said, there are points where I was bored. And to tell you the truth, I liked the first movie better. I did. I like the first movie better.
So having said that, I’m going to give this three and a half will post comments down below.
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Other reviewers' sentiment on Deadpool:
Reviewer | Sentiment |
Screen Junkees | Very positive |
Variant Comics | Very positive |
Schmoedown | Very positive |
Ralph The Moviemaker | Meh |
Jeremy Jahns | Meh |
Tyrone Magnus | Meh |
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