
Beyond The Trailer’s sentiment on individual actors in the Southpaw movie cast:
Actor/ Character | Sentiment |
Jake Gyllenhaal | Meh |
Forest Whitaker | Positive |
Rachel McAdams | Positive |
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing. |
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Full-text transcript of the Southpaw review:
[00:00:01] I expected a hard fight, you know, I put my family through a lot. The more you get hit, the harder you fight, I get it. Let’s go. Hello. Welcome. What the flick I am, Kristie, this is Matt. It’s Alonzo Bodden bulking up at the gym to get ready to talk about Southpaw.
[00:00:18] I’ve been bulking up at the restaurant.
[00:00:20] I was going to say the sun bar. OK, yeah. So s porn stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a boxing champ who loses everything and must win it all back. So basically, you’ve already seen this movie on Turner Classic Movies, but now they’re swearing and black people in Eminem. So check it out. The light heavyweight champion. I wouldn’t be here without my wife, Maureen. I really what you live is also so I keep walking. You ain’t never been a real man. Let that go. Let’s go. How about I take your belt? No, no, no, no, no, no,
[00:01:02] This court is aware of the tragedy your family has suffered. Mr.. Nonetheless, you have chosen to demonstrate dangerous behaviors while having custody of your daughter.
[00:01:14] You need help. It’ll be a year before your suspension. So it’s me.
[00:01:19] Zero income legal custody of the child shall remain with family services until my father can demonstrate the abilities of a responsible parent. Basically, I don’t.
[00:01:27] I’m to same. When we come to know more about this,
[00:01:39] So it brings Billy Hope to my job. I’m looking for a job, maybe place to train. You couldn’t handle him. I can’t lose my daughter.
[00:01:47] I’ll give you my everything. I know that you’re mad at me right now. You don’t know anything. She doesn’t want to see you today.
[00:01:56] So I got a little so she can give it control, you see.
[00:02:06] Yeah, this was supposed to be Eminem in this role, really.
[00:02:10] I would have liked that much better.
[00:02:12] Ok, I can see that now. And what I when I say, like now there’s black people, like literally this is you could have made this movie in nineteen thirty five with Wallace Beery and like all the boxers would be Irish or whatever
[00:02:22] It is tried and true
[00:02:23] But it’s. Yeah. However that doesn’t mean it’s not entertaining.
[00:02:27] I mean Gentiloni went to the gym, right. So he lost a whole bunch of weight to star in Nightcrawler and now he’s got no bulked up and of like De Niro in Raging Bull and countless actors before him. I think a lot of the storyline and a lot of the allure is the physical transformation and how that makes him a beast. I mean, yes, he does do all that. His character’s name is Billy Hope, by the way. Billy Hope the Great White, in case you didn’t get that. Yeah, it’s just it’s fine. It’s really familiar. It doesn’t really do anything new with a very familiar formula, but it’s fine.
[00:02:59] It’s the kind of movie you call the kind of movie you call solid, you know,
[00:03:03] Workman like
[00:03:05] You make some mistakes here, though. This is a movie where the acting, I think, is the best thing going for it. Like you’ve got great performances by Jake Gyllenhaal. I think Rachel McAdams is good. The girl that plays their daughter is really, really good in this. 50 Cent’s not bad in this. And Forest Whitaker, I think, is playing nuanced performance. I mean, Whitakers always good, but you got a great cast here and the movie really hits you with the melodrama and they’re up to the task. But it’s kind of one note. It’s kind of this bleak, devastating note. I know the whole movie and it really never lets up and it becomes kind of this slog to get through. And I think that it’s probably about twenty five, thirty minutes too long. You know, I don’t know that we need to training montages and
[00:03:50] Never having more time, but that’s the thing. Like we had a montage,
[00:03:54] It just kind of keeps hitting the same notes, like, you know, before the tragedy happens that changes everything. You know, that first act in the movie is so long like you that it just takes for ever, like, OK, we get it. He’s at the top. He’s great. We get it. OK, fine. And I didn’t need to see that for twenty five minutes. I don’t know.
[00:04:16] I mean, I didn’t I know what you’re saying and I certainly felt that in other movies I, I didn’t have that thing of like let’s get on with it. Like whatever they were doing it. It seemed interesting enough that I was sort of in on it. I guess for me I think the movie picks up once. It really once it establishes what the stakes are like, it does a good job of showing like how does somebody who is crazy rich and on top of everything, just systematically we lose every single thing, you know, become broke, you know, lose their family, all that stuff hangers on. Yeah, exactly. All that’s how I thought was was was sort of was drawn out in an interesting way. The relationship with the daughter winds up being the crux of the film. And as you said, she’s really good. And so the two of them take this sort of stodgy kind of like, oh, you know, familiar, familiar relationship and and bring something to it because it’s just cool to watch those two actors.
[00:05:11] And don’t get me wrong, I felt that the emotional payoff is there. I found myself getting very emotional in this video and there’s definitely tragedy going on. And it definitely pulls at the heartstrings. It’s just the problem I had is that it’s just that note. Sure. Kind of the whole movie. There’s only a couple of scenes that lighten it up at all. It’s like there’s this dramatic, heavy tension the whole time. And for a movie that’s clocking in over two hours, I think it just gets to be a little too much.
[00:05:37] And Lawrence is the name of the little girl. We should also mention that Antoine Fuqua directed this.
[00:05:42] Right, right, right, right. The thing for me about this, what’s going to and this has nothing to do with the film itself. This is going to be about the reception of the film. If everybody suddenly acts like, oh, wow, Jake Gyllenhaal is an actor based on this movie because he did the outward physical transformation. It’s going to be like, where have you been for the last decade? Where were you at Nightcrawler? End at end of watching it, Brokeback Mountain and all these movies, Jarhead, he I mean, he’s been doing well, but doing, you know, a string of interesting and non typical sort of handsomely, you know, what a handsome leading man would not normally do. He’s done a lot of physically transform himself. He’s done a lot of morally ambiguous stuff. I think he’s a he’s an amazing actor. And if he is the pretty girl who has to play a serial killer, you know, if he has to do the Charlize Theron thing and like, look, Academi, I’m acting because of my body, you know, but this is like, fine, but, you know,
[00:06:42] More conventional
[00:06:44] Roles. That’s the thing. I don’t think this is this performance is as good as a lot of the ones I mentioned. It’s fine. He’s great. He he does what he’s supposed to do. And and, you know, it’s emotional and it’s effective. But if this is the performance that makes people who aren’t paying attention suddenly go, oh, wow, Jake Gyllenhaal, good actor who knew fuck you because you were watching. What I’m saying, Atlanta.
[00:07:07] Ok, so what is your number then, my friend?
[00:07:09] I give it a seven point seven. It’s like, is it something you haven’t seen before? But I think it’s very solid at what it is that
[00:07:15] I give it. If I’m probably a little low, you know, I’m changing my number. Don’t I’m changing it. I’m giving it a six.
[00:07:21] Ok, sorry.
[00:07:22] Ok, doing OK.
[00:07:24] I’m, I’m still saying five point four.
[00:07:29] Ok, so that’s six point four average for us.
[00:07:32] Six point four average for this is where on the tip of the time it’s totally fifty six really. And this one is playing at the multiplex. We have to go to the multiplex and have any kids with a fifty five. It’s really violent actually. Bloody bad things happen. This is fine. You will not be unhappy that you’ve seen.
[00:07:51] Oh and I think the fight sequences are done interestingly in a way that is like, OK, we’re not even going to try and be raging bull here. We’re going to make this thing look like what it’s look like on HBO that really sort of bright kind of thing. Shining. Yeah.
[00:08:05] Don’t forget that Jim Lampley sounds sober.
[00:08:07] Well, he can’t be all right. So maybe see this next.
[00:08:17] Oh, I didn’t see you there. I was just breaking that pillow, you can still sail on it. Do you like that review of Southfork come over overactivity sports and check out where we rank that movie and a list of all time greatest boxing movies. Make sure to head over here.
Other reviewers' sentiment on Southpaw (2015):
Reviewer | Sentiment |
Beyond The Trailer | Positive |
What The Flick | Meh |
Jeremy Jahns | Meh |
Chris Stuckmann | Positive |
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