
Austin Burke’s sentiment on individual actors in the Angel Has Fallen movie:
Actor/ Character | Sentiment |
Gerard Butler | Meh |
Morgan Freeman | Positive |
Nick Nolte | Very positive |
Ric Roman Waugh, director | Positive |
Note: Sentiment analysis performed by Google Natural Language Processing. |
Full-text transcript of the review:
[00:00:00] I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. What is up with fans and welcome back to my channel today, we are talking about the third movie in the fall in franchise and that is Angel has Fallen. And we’re going to talk about this film today. I need your comments down below. Let’s get into it. So Secret Service Agent Mike Banning is framed for the attempted assassination of the president and must evade his own agency and the FBI as he tries to uncover the real threat. So directed by Rick Roman while starring Morgan Freeman and Gerard Butler Jr. are, of course, playing the title character, kind of our John Wick esque guy, beating people up, taking names and saving the life of the president, as he has been doing for quite a while. And you know what? I was a fan of Olympus has Fallen. It’s one of those movies that I look back upon. I’m like, you know what it did exactly what it was trying to do, kind of harkening back to die hard. It’s all about one man on a mission just taking people out left and right. And I really enjoyed the experience. The sequel, it wasn’t the biggest fan of it was very much a disappointment, especially after that first surprise of a movie directed by Antoine Fuqua. Well, this isn’t Antoine Fuqua returning to direct this, but Rick Roman wall, I mean, snitch.
[00:01:18] I like that movie and he really is a solid director. So bringing his flair to a project like this, a project that honestly I didn’t have much anticipation for, I saw the trailer and wasn’t the biggest fan of it. It’s not been marketed to. I believe it’s full potential and it just felt like it was being thrown into theaters without a lot of thought and effort put into it. And usually when movies come out like that, they turn out to be a massive flop. And that was the expectation going in. And you know what? Angel has fallen, brought some things to the table that I didn’t anticipate and ended up, in my opinion, being a bit better than its predecessor. It exceeded my expectations in terms of what it actually brought to the table structure wise, because usually movies like this, especially when you’re the third movie in a trilogy that isn’t really as well known as other trilogies out there, they just don’t put any effort into it. And there was effort put in. Right. The filmmaking, while it’s not the best, it was competent. And Mike, banning the poor guy, always having to save the president. This guy has got literally the toughest job in the United States. And one thing I found questionable about this movie is just the rationale. The reasoning behind you would frame his character so easily. It’s not a spoiler.
[00:02:34] It’s in the marketing. But this guy, I mean, he has saved the president and many, many people multiple times. Yet all of a sudden it’s, oh, we have a couple of things that we can accuse him of. Let’s blame the entire thing on him. And, of course, Russian collusion. Yep. That sounds about right now, there are obviously going to be people acting like good guys. Maybe they don’t end up being good guys. You know what you’re getting with the film like this? Nothing here is surprising. And like I said, the story, it’s actually quite predictable. Any time they try to do this character turn and there is one towards the middle where it’s like, didn’t you already reveal this character? I mean, the movie makes an effort to make it look like it’s this giant reveal. And OMG, I didn’t know he she was going to be the bad guy the entire time. And I feel like not ten minutes earlier they made it very obvious that this person was in on something that they shouldn’t have been in on. But you know what? I’ll give it to it. It tried to be epic. It really did. The music swells up and the emotions run through the characters, but they don’t necessarily transfer through to the audience. When this film tries to take itself too seriously, it comes off as overly serious and overly familiar.
[00:03:46] I listen, I’m not going to say the fugitive because everybody said it in their review. I will just say there are moments in this film that are clearly inspired by films that came before it. But if you think about it too hard, you can say that about most action movies nowadays. It’s all about how you execute it. And when it tried to take itself too seriously, I wasn’t the biggest fan of where the story was going and how it was progressing when it embraced the cheese and it knew exactly what it was delivering to you, especially in the third act, which is all about the action and Gerard Butler’s character going ham in the way that you anticipate him doing kind of what he did in the first film, except in this movie, there’s just more to do. Instead of doing this one thing, you have to do multiple things. And that aspect of the film is really fun. It’s just a bit generic and they don’t know enough to stand out from the crowd of this cluttered action genre. There’s also a moment there where they just come clean and tell the public everything that they think is going on, whether it’s actually going on or not. And I’m like, that’s that’s not realistic because they’re not that transparent with America. That’s just not how it works. So I saw that. And I’m like, well, OK, I embrace the world because we know exactly what this world is.
[00:04:59] I mean, my goodness. Morgan Freeman as president, we’ve seen that countless times in movies. And at this point it’s like, who else are you going to cast as President? Morgan Freeman’s voice? By the way, it’s still I mean, at this age, it’s just it comes off, it’s as smooth as butter. But the stand out of this film for me is someone who didn’t have as big of a presence as I think he should have. That is Nick Nolte playing exactly who you think. You know what? Honestly, I don’t even know if he knew he was in this film. I think they found Nick Nolte out in the woods and they just started filming and he believed that he was Gerard Butler’s dead. He’s just so good. And you believe every ounce of what he is saying in this film, he put in a performance that was way over what this movie was trying to deliver. But you know what? I’m OK with that, because the cheesy elements of this movie, this action 90s throwback romp, slash thriller, when it knows what it is, it works. And every time his father was on screen being played by Nick Nolte, I’m like, yep, perfect. So overall, here’s what I’ll say. It was better than I thought it was going to be. Is the movie all that good? No, but it is one of those films.
[00:06:06] You can go on to the theater, have a bit of fun, walk out, maybe not. Remember that you watched it in two weeks time, but it wasn’t a waste of time. It wasn’t a waste of money. I’m going to go 53 percent for Angel has fallen. Austin, you hate the movie. 53 percent. No, I didn’t hate the movie. It was fine. It’s just not one that I think I’m ever going to go back to. But I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing more from this franchise because there’s a fun element to it. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. Hey, if you want to see my ranking of all three movies, Olympus, London Angel, not going to be doing one on you, but I will be doing one on my Patreon page this entire week. I’ve been posting reviews that aren’t coming to my YouTube page, and we are having a live fantasy football draft. If you guys want to join on on that and many more things to come on the Patriot page. We are rolling starting this week and we are not going to stop until we are filled up, which hopefully will never happen. Thank you guys so much for watching this video. Everything that you do, you’re the absolute best. And I’ll be back very soon with another review. I’m from.
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